What We Believe
We take the relationship between farming and the environment seriously. When the earth and environment suffer, farmers suffer. Often times farming practices play a major role in the environmental issues that farmers have to contend with. Soil degradation, loss of wildlife habitat, water contamination, pollution and carbon emissions are all problems that are made worse by specific farming practices.
While we are a small farm, we believe that even the smallest changes matter. This includes how we tend our land, grow your food and how we ourselves eat and live. While we are certified organic, we think beyond organic certification. We also use no-till practices which means we disturb the soil as little as possible- preserving the soil microorganisms, fungi and bacteria which are critical to soil health. This isn't some new fad farmer method, it has been used in historical agriculture for over 10,000 years. Drip irrigation and high tunnels reduce our water usage and cover crops build soil health so we don't need to use synthetic fertilizers.
Is this a harder way to farm? Sometimes.
Does it bring amazing, healthy organic food to your table? Yes.
Is it worth it? Absolutely.
Why we are not renewing our organic certification.
Stone Circle Farm is currently USDA-certified organic and has been for five growing seasons. However, we have decided that this year will be our last for certification even though our practices are not changing.
Why? First, we are facing limited organic seed options from seed companies that we can trust. As a small market farm, we aim to grow a wide variety of produce, but we must ensure the reliability of the seeds provided by companies. This year, we experienced the failure of four crops due to poor seed germination. Second, we have concerns that large corporate farms are compromising the integrity of the organic label. We can always chat more about this when you are at the farm! Third, the requirement for inspection to demonstrate our adherence to natural and environmentally friendly growing methods sits uneasily with us, especially when farms that use toxic chemicals and pollute the environment can continue their practices without similar scrutiny. We no longer wish to contribute financially to this system.
We prioritize forming personal relationships with our customers, who rely on us to grow healthy food and trust us to do so.​​We don't till the soil or use chemical pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, or non-food grade materials on our farm. We exceed organic certification standards by using practices such as crop rotation, introducing beneficial insects, crop diversification, pollinator strips, and compost application. We regularly test our soil and plant tissue for optimal health. Our robust food safety plan ensures that the food we produce is free of human pathogens. We sell freshly harvested produce, not produce that has been sitting around for weeks.
We go to great lengths to ensure that the food we produce is not only delicious but safe and we not only feed this community, but we also feed our family. If you have any questions reach out or come by the Market. Know your farmers, know your food!
Meet the Farmers
The farm was purchased in 2013 but it has been tended organically since 2005. Andrew and his wife Jenn want to share their love of organic food and sustainable, mindful living with their customers. While they have journeyed on different paths to get where they are- Andrew as a restauranteur and chef and Jenn as a produce safety educator at Rutgers University- both have always understood the importance of eating local food and supporting local businesses. Their business model is to not only promote their own business but to support other small businesses in their community. Growing a circle of likeminded individuals, giving back to the community and growing really delicious produce, all while honoring the earth, is always at the forefront of all they do.

Paula, the family matriarch (RIP Mammers!), and Andrew, farmer + chef